Sometimes I find myself just wishing...
Wishing somehow, someway
I could just be your angel
to watch over your every day
to make sure
you have a smile
always living inside your heart
to bring goodness and abundance
at the very start
of your day--
an angel who is always there
watching, loving
with the utmost care--
bringing blessings in abundance
not only to you, but to all those you love
and hold dear--
Oh I wish I were your angel
just hovering near
making sure your smile
is always wide and clear
and giving to you all the hugs,
love and cheer
that you deserve and are so in need of.
(All I have for now
is my unending love).
wish I could be your angel
watching over you some day
making sure
that you
feel the love and hugs
I am always sending your way.