Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hold Me Close

Is it so wrong to wish
that someone
just this one night,
just this one moment
could hold me close
and tell me
that everything
(yes every little thing)
is going to be alright?

Is it so wrong
to wish that I could feel
loving arms
encircling me, embracing me,
holding me close
with true warmth and love?

Just wondering, just wishing...
just needing
arms of LOVE to hold me tight.

Is that so wrong?

If so, then I'm sorry,
but it is what I need.

Hold me close.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Tree Begging for Rain

Walking along the lake path today--the breeze blows gently--the sun barely shines through a haze of clouds as the evening looms
And I look upon the lake and see to my dismay
that the water has receded even more
than when I was here 
just a few days before.

I listen--what is that sound I hear?
It truly sounds like rain
falling down
but then, I realize
as I look around
what I hear is the clattering sound
of the leaves on the trees
blowing in the wind.
They are so dry, so in need 
of a quenching drink
the clattering sound they make
makes me think
of a beggar shaking his cup
begging for coins
on the street
hoping somehow someone out there
will donate to meet
his humble need
of food or drink--

Tears fall from my heart
as I listen
to this sound
of the dry leaves 
clamoring, begging the sun
to drop down
"Please bring us rain, dear thin clouds"
they seem to say
And I realize now
that the trees 
do indeed pray.

Would that my tears
straight from my heart
could somehow help bring rain,
get it to start--
but all I can do is beg to the sky
"please, please 
hear my cry--
send the rain to my beloved trees,
I will gladly drop 
to my knees--
If only somehow, someway
you could see fit 
to bring the rain this very day."

I know not if my prayers will help--
all I know is that 
I can still hear
the clattering of dry leaves
so very near
and my heart aches
to my very core
wishing, hoping to see, feel the rain
once more.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I Wish I Were Your Angel

Sometimes I find myself just wishing...
Wishing somehow, someway
I could just be your angel
to watch over your every day
to make sure
you have a smile
always living inside your heart
to bring goodness and abundance
at the very start
of your day--
an angel who is always there
watching, loving
with the utmost care--
bringing blessings in abundance
not only to you, but to all those you love
and hold dear--
 Oh I wish I were your angel
just hovering near
making sure your smile
is always wide and clear
and giving to you all the hugs,
love and cheer
that you deserve and are so in need of.
(All I have for now
is my unending love).

wish I could be your angel
watching over you some day
making sure
that you
feel the love and hugs
I am always sending your way.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Looking Up To the Sky

I find myself drawn to looking up--I can't help it--the sky is such a canvas of beauty.  Whenever I am needing solace or inner peace, sometimes the clouds speak to me and help me to see what I need to see.

Surely it's not just me.  Do others see the absolute beauty that adorns the sky whenever the clouds gather to grace the sun?  I love looking up and seeing the artwork that is displayed above.

I dare anyone to tell me that our world is not a beautiful place.  I find beauty to comfort me wherever I go.
Now if only, only I can transfer
all of that beauty
to my inner soul--
And just how beautiful would it be
to have a rainbow living inside my heart?
Now that, my friends, is what I would call
True, Living Art.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Majestic Sky

At times whenever I am gazing up at the sky
I am amazed at the majestic beauty
that meets my eye.
How am I so fortunate to look up and see
this beautiful display shining above
looking down at me?
Imagining angels hovering near by
basking in the delight
of this evening sky
and knowing that they helped to bring me here
so that I might feel their presence near--
and get to witness the majesty and awesome sight
of this miracle of nature on this hot summer's night.
Such beauty reigns in our sky above
an artistic display most surely drawn
with the greatest of Love. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Mother Nature's Beautiful Gifts

Hello, Mother Nature.  I hear you calling my name and I so want to answer your call--but I am just so tired and am not feeling 100% today.  Yes, I know how very beautiful you are and I know too how much you have to offer--especially in the evening twilight hours as your beautiful sun is sinking below the horizon.  Haven't I been there to watch your sun bid adieu on hundreds and hundreds of evenings?  I love each and every one of your gifts, you know. 

Every bird I hear sing, every beautiful flower that I find in bloom, every blade of grass and every grain of sand all are precious gifts to me.  So too the rocks I find lying about as I walk upon your beautiful land.  But I have to admit if I had to choose a favorite of your gifts, it would be the gifts of all of your trees. 

Silly me, I am so in love with the trees--each one holds a special meaning to me--each one represents a life that is so very precious and real and whenever I see the absolute beauty of a tree it almost always takes my breath away--such admiration I feel for the strong bark, the long limbs, the beautiful blooms and leaves and its longevity of life and then there is the infinite usefulness even after its life is done.  Everywhere I look I see the infinity of a tree--whether outside or in my home or even in a vast expanse of a shopping mall--trees have given their beauty to us in so very many ways. 

I comfort myself with knowing that I have tried so hard to capture your beauty, your essence, Mother Nature.  Though I am not up to going out to greet you or to bid your beautiful sun goodnight, I do have my many, many photographs of my time with you and I'm sure soon I will feel up to visiting you in person again--but for now, I am just not up to much more than basking in your beauty by way of my camera lens.  I hope I won't miss too much by staying in, but I know you'll not disappoint me when next we meet.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Blue Butterflies (A Promise)

Long ago, after my own mother had passed on to her next existence, my daughter and I got to talking.  We promised each other that whoever went first would come back as a Blue Butterfly and somehow that would be a sign that we were ever near, close in heart and that we were doing just fine on the "other side."

Right after my mother died, I was sitting outside and every where I went this very persistent white butterfly followed me.  When I would sit down outside, it would perch on my shoulder or rest very gently on the back of my hand.  Somehow I couldn't shake the feeling that it was my mother doing her best to let me know that all was well with her and to tell me in this way that she was ever close should I feel the need for her.

So many, many times since my mother has left this existence, I have had a white butterfly come into my existence whenever I am feeling "bummed" or just missing my mother and feeling so lonely for her.  It wasn't until one very chilly windy winter day out at my beloved lake when I was sitting on a bench on the walking path and suddenly I found myself in tears, weeping for all the things in my life that felt so very wrong, so hard to understand.  When I wiped my eyes and was about to continue my walk, there on a barren tree, leaves gone except for a few --there was my beautiful little white butterfly.  By the time I got my camera at the ready to take a picture of this awesome sight, the butterfly fluttered off into the wind and I missed my chance.  But I knew then it had to have been my mom.  I think she stopped by just to let me know that somehow, someway things would get better for me.

So, there's no doubt in my mind, my heart that once I am gone from this existence that I will be able to reappear as a beautiful blue butterfly to not only my daughter who I cherish, but to my other two children, my grand children and all others who I hold so very dear to my heart.

I know that there is more beyond what we are living in this existence and I know too that when my time comes it will be a joyful and wondrous adventure to embrace.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dreamin' of Going Beyond

I suppose I must be aching for an escape--of late I keep remembering back to far away places--this my trip to Seattle that was actually so enjoyable and relaxing.  Loved the water--being on the Sound and loved the sights, the smells, the sounds of the hustle and bustle of all the people--but the ride on the water was so serene and peaceful and comforting to me.

No doubt.  I am a water baby.  Crave to be near water.  Not necessarily IN it, but most definitely close enough to see it, to be on it, to hear the life that surrounds it.

It's no wonder my home is only moments from our beautiful lake.  Yes, I know I am blessed--but still I cannot help but dream of one day going BEYOND all this.  My sense of adventure grows weary of staying put. 

Perhaps the Universe will sense my need to venture out into the beyond?  Hmmm...Look out World--here I come!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Reflections of Light

Reflections of light
shine through to my soul
I beg the sun
to somehow know
what it is I need, what I crave
Just listen to
the inside of me
and help me, dear sun
to fly fast and free--
for within
lies a spirit
that begs to soar
to regions unknown
to this heart of mine--
Please somehow
Help me to climb
to find that place in time
which I so desperately seek
You must, you must
understand these words I speak--
for my destiny lies
in those regions unknown
and I so ache to find and be
in my final home. #

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Beauty in Nature

One of Nature's Most Beautiful gits
is the beauty
of flowers in bloom...



It is as if a gift of love
is thrown onto the land and all who pass by are given this gift
to treasure and hold dear.
With each flowering bloom
there is a promise
that always
new birth,
new life
will transcend
into not only our lives
but so very far
How blessed can we be
to have such gifts of beauty
to know that nature prevails
throughout all space and time?

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Looking Out

Looking out into the unknown, wondering if ever I will fully understand and comprehend just where it is that I need to be.  I cannot help that always I feel as though I am on the inside looking out.  At times I find that I am imprisoned, that my thoughts are holding me back, will not allow me to bloom, to grow, to be all that I know I can possibly be.

Seeking understanding, enlightenment, seeking a guide to gently push me through to the other side and help me to find my way.  Perhaps in time all will be revealed.

For now?  I will continue to gaze, to hope, to dream and to one day know that all will be just as it is meant to be.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bridges of Life

Always there seems to be a bridge to cross. 
No matter where we are in life
how far we think we have come
or have yet to go--
decisions must be made--
should we span the bridge
and cross over to the other side
or do we just jump off
and hope we land on our feet?
#Pamela Rae