Thursday, November 24, 2011


Surround me with beauty
Fill me with the fragrance of lilac
open my heart, my eyes
to the magnificence of nature
and help me to see
to feel to be
with ALL of me.

I want to do it all
before I die.
To FEEL it all
before I die.
But MOST of all,
I want to just BE

The loving, giving soul
I was always meant
(and brought to this earth)
to BE.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happiness, Blessings Abound

Happiness has flown into my life so much of late.
I am continuously finding blessings that embrace me 
and hold me close and 
the gratitude that flows through
my heart is HUGE.
I know I am blessed to 
have so much love 
coming to this heart of mine
and I know too that I am blessed
to be able to share
this unending and all encompassing love
that I feel 
All I know to do
is to keep loving
and to say
to my angels, my spirit guides and 
our Dear Universe:

Thank YOU!!!